
Our restaurant

In season: Tuesday evenings, Wednesday evenings, and Friday to Monday from 12 to 2pm and from 7 to 9pm.

Discover the restaurant and its traditional cuisine based on seasonal produce!


- Map also available in MENU
(€36 starter-main course-dessert or €28 starter-main course or main course-dessert).


- The map -



Foie Gras du XI, onion confit and bread rolls


Beef carpaccio with basil and rocket


Smoked salmon, toasted rolls


XI salad (lettuce, melon, watermelon, grapefruit, onion, Bayonne ham, tomato, raspberry vinegar)



Cod fillet, Sauternes risotto, mushrooms, beurre blanc sauce


Parmentier of duck confit simmered in champagne


Supreme of guinea fowl, mashed potatoes, courgette rings, country cider sauce


Filet mignon with parsley and old-fashioned mustard sauce



Tarte tatin, vanilla and caramel ice cream


The delight of the XI


Colonel (lemon ice, vodka)


Cup of exotic XI ice cream (passion fruit ice cream, diced mango, chocolate flakes, whipped cream, strawberry coulis, etc.).


Plate of 3 regional cheeses
